Prática, founded in 1991, offers cutting-edge equipment for the food preparation market, including an extensive product portfolio in the category of speed ovens. With over 700 employees, including 55 in Research & Development in its fully operational 25 mil m2 factory located in Minas Gerais, Brazil, where it is the market leader. Additionally, the company has a strong presence in the international market, with branches in the United States and Chile, and exports its products to more than 50 countries.
At Prática, our purpose is to help our customers prepare high-quality food without waste. We understand the crucial role we play in the chain that begins with fields and crops and ends with providing prepared food to people. With our state-of-the-art technology and integrated product solutions, as well as pre-and post-sales support networks, we truly improve our customers’ operations in quality food preparation, productivity, and profitability.
A well-aligned team, driven by strong values and a positive vision for the future, is propelling Prática towards an increasingly prominent position in the world.
Located in the city of Pouso Alegre, in the southern region of Minas Gerais, Prática has a 20,000m² manufacturing facility equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly skilled and specialized development, engineering, and production teams. They are ready to innovate, enhance with vision, and produce with speed and precision.
The purpose of Prática is to help its clients prepare quality food without waste. This purpose, which is also a commitment, unfolds into three complementary dimensions: well-being, productivity, and preservation.
Our mission is to bring quality and productivity to the food preparation environment.
Our vision is to be a world-class company with global reach, achieving recognized excellence in customer service, products, production processes, and administrative systems.
Dedication to the customer
Willingness to improve
Spirit of collaboration
Honesty and integrity
Our Quality Policy is appropriate to the organization’s purpose and demonstrates its commitment to meeting customer requirements and continually improving the effectiveness of its Quality Management System.
1. Pursue PERFECTION in everything you do, always considering the applicable requirements.
2. Always keep the CUSTOMER’s needs and success in mind.
3. Seek KNOWLEDGE and improve your skills.
4. Always be PRO-SOLUTIONS.
5. Understand the HUMAN influence in everything.
6. Be the PROTAGONIST and take responsibility for the whole.
7. Seek perfect HARMONY when it comes to organization as a whole.
8. Have a sense of URGENCY.
9. Have purpose CONSISTENCY.
10. Seek EVOLUTION, and continuous improvement.
Prática is concerned with the environmental, social, and economic impact of its activities. For this reason, adherence to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management principles has been a natural process. The company adopts sustainable practices throughout its production chain and invests in the training and well-being of its employees, suppliers, customers, and the community. Moreover, Prática adheres to the highest standards of corporate governance, with transparency and integrity in its relationships.
Prática fully complies with environmental legislation in the treatment of waste and water used in its processes, as well as in assessing and mitigating the environmental impacts of its operations. Additionally, its solutions help customers reduce food waste during preparation, saving energy, water, and food resources. The customers Prática serves are increasingly responsible for food preparation for human consumption. By reducing waste, they also contribute to decreasing the impact of agriculture and livestock on natural environments.
Prática values diversity and respect in its workplace, adheres to labor laws, and does not discriminate based on creed, race, social origin, or gender during selection and promotion processes. Bullying is rejected and not tolerated. People are encouraged and engaged through information sharing, the promotion of values, and the provision of opportunities for their personal and professional development. The human resources department maintains practices and support channels for the physical and mental health of employees during their routines and in times of need. Social responsibility actions promote volunteerism among employees. A percentage of the company's profits are directed towards social initiatives managed by a dedicated committee. The LGPD, legislation regarding the protection of individual data, is respected in all communications. Finally, customer satisfaction is a key focus of the company and subject to continuous monitoring, serving as a corporate value that guides its positioning and conduct.
Prática maintains efficient, responsible, and trustworthy management that respects the interests of its stakeholders and shareholders. The company is committed to ethics and combating corruption in its activities and government relations, which are conducted exclusively through official channels. It has a board of directors and undergoes audits by independent and qualified firms. Prática continuously promotes its code of ethics and values among employees. It provides channels for investor relations and also for complaints and feedback. The company complies with LGPD (General Data Protection Law) regulations. It has criteria to approve the quality and integrity of suppliers and only purchases raw materials certified with legal origin. Prática follows the Consumer Protection Code and continuously monitors customer satisfaction, integrating this theme into its audits. It also holds the required certifications in the markets where it operates.
Prática has continuous improvement programs for products, processes, and people.
Chairman: André Rezende
Lead Director: Rogério Martins
Board members: Luiz Eduardo Rezende, Volker Groos, Gilberto Zancopé, Henriette Fleig
CEO and Investor Relations Director: André Rezende
Chief Operating Officer: Luiz Eduardo Rezende
Chief Financial Officer: Marcelio Vieira
Director of Sales Brazil: Milton Machado
Director of Export Sales: Vinicius Rezende
Director of Bakery Sales: José Angelo de Souza
Director of Marketing: Willian Harley Garcia
Director of Manufacturing: Douglas do Vale
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